It’s been officially two and a half months on my journey to healing diet and two months on all supplements, vitamins, and medicines. I have to admit the past couple of months have been rough. There are days when eating the same foods day in and day out makes me feel sad and discouraged. I know I’m used to removing foods and adapting to a new diet, but the process is never fun. At times, starting a new diet makes eating food less enjoyable and, in my case, feels more about just surviving.
Then there are other days when the process feels like nothing more than a new habit or routine. On these days, I don’t think about it as much, and I go with the flow. Overall, I’m adapting well. But I have to work on my thoughts daily to focus on the future. I remind myself, this is just the beginning, and I can’t rush God’s healing. I will get better. My body just needs time to heal from the years of damage and misuse.
Disclosure. My supplements are recommended based on my needs by my functional medicine doctor. Seek approval first from your physician before starting any new supplements or vitamins.
Current Symptoms
My allergies have gotten worse. Along with clearing my throat because of postnasal drip I also have asthmatic symptoms. When I’m at my worst, my chest feels tight and my breathing feels tired.
I scheduled a visit with Dr. M, an Ear, Nose, and Throat physician, to help me confirm my allergy triggers. I suspected it could be my dogs, but it turns out dust is my main problem. Dr. M recommended I see a pulmonologist to troubleshoot why I have asthma symptoms when I’m not asthmatic. She also suggested I get an air purifier for my bedroom, follow the recommendations for an allergy-free bedroom on, and prescribed me a nasal antihistamine.
I discussed my findings with my functional medicine practitioner, Dr. G. She adjusted my supplements to add two for allergies and another for inflammation. She also removed two from my current regimen. Dr. G confirmed the ENT’s suggestion to purchase an air purifier for my bedroom area. I was encouraged to buy the same air purifier I have on the main floor for the second floor of my home. She instructed me to keep it on the second floor most of the day and only in my bedroom every night for an hour.
I purchased a compact version of the same air purifier.
For the past two weeks, another symptom I have had daily is tension headaches. At first, I thought it was because I’m on the computer eight to ten hours a day for work. But I wake up with them and get them on the weekends when I’m not on the computer. After discussing my headaches with Dr. G, she thinks it might be related to allergies as well. Her recommendation for me is to try Xlear nasal spray to help clear up my nasal passages.
Journey to Healing Diet
I’ve committed to eating only the allowed foods. Yet, at times, I may overindulge on the permitted food when I shouldn’t. Sometimes I have too many dried dates as a snack and end up paying for it later with abdominal pain. I also found potato chips that I thought I could have because they only have three ingredients; potatoes, sunflower oil, and salt. But I forgot I could only have olive oil. I over ate the chips as well because who can have just a handful of chips? Well, my stomach was not happy, and it reminded me with pain and constipation.
Also, cooking for my family and then cooking for myself seems like too much on some days. Most of the time, I pre-cook my quinoa, potatoes, and cauliflower for the week. But there are times when it runs out before the end of the week, and I end up eating my granola for dinner. Other days I get tired of cooking and eating eggs for lunch and dinner; I end up just eating roasted potatoes with my oat milk protein drink.
I have run out of steam with this diet. I’m anxiously awaiting the day when I can begin adding new foods to my weekly meals.
It’s been a month since I’ve exercised. Managing my allergies, working from home, and the kids back at school, my schedule is off. I’m not proud of myself, but I want to be completely transparent. After speaking with Dr. G, and her great expressed concern regarding my lack of sleep, I’ve been working hard on ensuring I get 7 to 8 hours of daily sleep. Exercise ended up on the disregarded list. I hope to find my balance once I get settled with the kids back at school.
Like with exercise, I have not been diligent in keeping my schedule with meditation. While managing my current symptoms naturally and adjusting to life with work and kids, there is little energy to do more than what is needed. I’m sure some of you can relate. Time feels like it’s passing so fast; just when I get a breath, it’s bedtime. I’m hoping to get back on track soon.
Time with God
For the most part, I’ve been good with keeping my time with God. It’s my time with Him that keeps me focused when I feel tired. However, I haven’t separated time with God the way I planned. But I do dedicate more time than I have in the past. I need to work on this one as well, as I’d like to make this a daily habit, even on the weekends! The weekends are the most challenging.
I used to be a pessimist. I thought if you expect the worst when the worst happens, you don’t feel so disappointed. Once I became a Christian, I learned the power of your thoughts. Now I work daily to think positive thoughts and believe in God’s blessings for me. I remind myself that all is ok and I’m in God’s hands.
Practicing the power of positive thoughts has released me from stress and anxiety. This training has helped me to believe that this journey of mine has a purpose.
We all go through trials for a reason. Trials make us stronger. Trials mature us with wisdom and knowledge. And with that wisdom and knowledge, we can help others because we can relate to them and their struggle.
My prayer is to encourage and inspire others through my story to find the best health and healing for them.
I will trust in God’s process.
Are you struggling with a health problem at the moment? Are you working to make healthy changes to your life? Please share in the comments below so we can encourage one another.
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Follow My Journey:
Healing – After Years of Discomfort
Healing – Growing Closer to God’s Word
Journey to Healing – Supplements